My ‘career’ started long before I knew what career was. As a child I loved listening to people’s stories - especially adults, for hours and asking questions. Lots of questions.

The other day I was with my son at a toy library and there in the foyer was a community corner with books you can keep or borrow. A little blue book ‘Ikigai, The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life’ caught my eye and I took it home.

I read that Japanese people don’t have a word for retirement in their dictionary and this idea resonated with me. I realised that I have found my ikigai - my calling - something more than a ‘job’ that brings me a deep sense of satisfaction, a purpose, something that matches my natural abilities, something that I can contribute with in my community. This is why I don’t believe in work-life balance. Work is a part of my life!

People ask me if I get tired of listening to problems all day. But I don’t hear problems - I see hope. I see brave women in front of me who are seekers. I believe when people are pointed in the right direction and we tap into their natural resources of their conscious and subconscious brain, they discover their tools and get better.

It’s an honor to be able to facilitate this process and see the light come on in their eyes. Seeing that light - is my favorite moment. I love watching women take off in the driver’s seat. After a while they don’t need me anymore. They know I’m here in their corner but they are confident in their ability to handle challenges. That’s the ultimate goal of therapy.

My clients are the most inspiring women I’ve ever met! Thank you for your trust and inviting me on your journey.